Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3 Months...?

I don't think people really go back to see comment pages on old posts, so I'll reply to some people in a new post.

Jeremy: Papercrafts...they are hard indeed, my clumsy 6-year-old-like fingers were not well-made for them...I've got the perfect one for you though!! You'll have to wait and see!

James: I'm impressed that you read through my G-Splash entry haha. I do think some parts of G-Splash could be considered better than Mahogany. The level of dedication is obvious. Everyone truly wants to improve so needless to say, they are ALWAYS practicing, even when there is no practice or we have a short break. This girl sprained her ankle a bit before our performance but she still continued to show up for our practices even though she couldn't do anything...I was very impressed by that, and also jealous, because I don't think there's anything that I am so attached to and involved in that I would continue to participate in even if in reality, I couldn't do anything. Structure of practices and rehearsals (as I mentioned, the whole critique thing was incredibly ingrained in them). Practice is the same way. We always started out the same way and did the same stretch and warm-up routine, which definitely created a good atmosphere, because it was organized, you always knew what to expect, and when the senpais couldn't be there to lead us, someone else easily could take over and we'd get the same stuff done. Along the same line, the discipline is incredible. We worked on the same moves every practice to get it to perfection, to be able to do the moves smoothly without even thinking about it. We'd do the moves until everyone was sweating and until our muscles ached so badly, but everyone held on until the end. And one last point, the sense of togetherness I suppose. By the performance, our ichinensei hip-hop group was pretty tight. We sat down together that last week and went around expressing our feelings about G-Splash, the performance, or anything in particular, and a bunch of girls cried trying to say how much the group meant to them and how they daisuki-d everyone. In addition, there were always occasions to hang out with your fellow dance buddies outside of club, meaning nomikais usually, but that gives you a chance to get to know everyone in the club on a different level, and that encourages much deeper friendships, which is a good thing when you're doing a group activity.
Oh, and I don't know why Domo-kun doesn't have arms...good question.


Another walking trip!
Starting around Kinshicho, I think.

Cute posters to get us started!

More cuteness to keep us moving!

Sumidagawa. Pretty river/area. And on the barrier to the river, they had these designs of sumo moves! So now I'm a pro!

Then we walked more, I guess I didn't take many pictures because I don't have any between here and Tokyo Station...

We decided to stop at Tokyo Station for lunch, and look what we found!

Pho! It was different than what I've had at home though, like the noodles and flavoring, though I did get the spicy one. It was exciting though. And then we found bubble tea! And it was REALLY good! They make it like Taiwan...mmm...

Hello Kitty Hato bus near the station!

An awesome Sun-Kus (one of my favorite conbinis (convenient stores) here)! We stopped for choco melon pan (one of my favorite snacks/breads here)! Don't mind the dude digging in the trash...

Holy moly! Pokemon standing in the windows! What have we stumbled upon??

So we've got businesses, restaurants, and...POKEMON CENTER!!

You go through this one door, and here you have a battle stage! People can hook up their Nintendo DS to the big screen and battle their Pokemons!

How can anyone not love this face?! If only this was my bedroom wall... :P
Then we went inside the main part and it was filled from ceiling to floor with Pokemon stuff, but unfortunately the majority was newer version Pokemons so I didn't really know about any of them... We spent quite a while in there though. Plus, 3 kids celebrated their birthdays while we were there, so we got to watch a cute little Pokemon happy birthday video and applaud.

And that was that.

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