Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oh! My Depressing Story...

I went to Tokyu Hands (a sort of all-purpose store that's a zillion floors) before my Linguistics class yesterday to buy some things. I was in a section looking at stuffed animals and dropped my phone and the battery cover came off and I was pretty sure I saw it slide under one of the display shelf things...I don't know what you call it. I spent some time looking under things for it but couldn't find it; I needed to get under that display thing. So I went over to an employee (after a while) and asked if he could help me. So I started to explain the situation, or tried to. I forgot the word for 'drop' so that was a failure. I ended up throwing in the English word because I'm not very resourceful at using what I DO know and thinking on the spot (I just end up getting very stuck on whatever mistake I do make), and with that he just started apologizing and was like 'My English...bad...I'm sorry...' over and over, so I was like ok and left and he left. I stood around that area debating what to do when he brought over another employee to help me, and she spoke English to me. I gave up and talked to her in English. She removed a shelf and we found it and I went on my way. But that experience sucked, to be not-so-eloquent. Because after all this time, you'd think I'd be comfortable and skilled enough to have excelled in that situation, but no. I feel comfortable with comprehending what people say, but only normally comfortable enough talking with people in Japanese in more 'social' situations I guess. Even in class, I'm so awful at speaking with teachers and saying stuff in class.

Hmm...I think I said I killed my phone.


Daniel Andreano said...

Thats okay, I just got back from the post office. I went to the counter, but apparently it was the wrong one, so they sent me to package pick up.
When i got there the door was closed, and there was a sign that said what to do when the door is closed. But I couldn't figure out the word ブザー and so was just standing around until a nice japanese dude came over and helped me.

dobedo said...

Yes, I remember that you had the same kind of communication problem in your Chinese class... and your teacher said "Practice makes perfect."