Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The First

As my father pointed out earlier as we were watching TV, at this time next week, I'll be up in the air...on my way to start my semester abroad in Japan!

I've been anticipating this for so long simply because I've wanted to do the whole study abroad thing for years and now it's finally coming to fruition. Plus this means I can finally stop having to explain to UVA friends who ask me how Japan is already how I'm not actually in Japan yet even though yes, it's almost April...and to other people how no, I'm not actually IN school right now, I'm technically studying abroad yes, I realize I'm still in the U.S. but...you get the idea. So far the only bump in the road is that the exchange rate keeps fluctuating...to not work in our favor so much. Oh, and also that I haven't been studying Japanese at all, and by now, I really need a refresher...

It's been a long process, with researching programs, applying, working with teachers and advisers for recommendations and credit stuff, and waiting. A whole lot of waiting. Then after being accepted, it's filling out forms for the school, figuring out wire transfers and other financial matters, getting a Visa, buying tickets, etc...and soon, packing. Thankfully, one of my fellow exchange students started up a lovely blog (you'll find a link to it in the sidebar!) for all of us studying at Sophia University next semester (there's quite a few of us!) where we've been able to share information, vent about the process, and just work our way through all the details. Much thanks of course to my parents too, who are providing me with this opportunity in the first place and for dealing with my incessant and eternal procrastination with...just about everything. But I mean, I've provided them with my lovely presence for the past 2 months at home. Soon they'll miss me, I can just feel it already. I am their favorite daughter after all. Parents (I hope you're reading...), four months will fly by though! And I promise I'll call...at least once this time...

Anyway, I think most things are set for my trip. I'm traveling on the same flight with a few of the others, so 2 of them are staying the night before at our house for easier access to Dulles Airport. Now, normally I would probably pack all my things the night before my flight, but since my friends will be here, I thought I'd get a head-start. So today I opened a suitcase and threw clothing from my drawers to my floor. Tomorrow I think I may try to fold some of that clothing and put it in the suitcase. Baby steps, that's how I like to do things.

It's probably time for me to wrap up, but I hope you'll continue to follow me throughout my experience!


Daniel Andreano said...


Daniel Andreano said...

And now for a more substantive post.

I'm so glad you're finally done with all the paperwork that comes with trying to study abroad. I know firsthand how troublesome it all is, and assure you only have a few more hills to climb once you get here until it is smooth sailing all the way to August.

As for the exchange rate, don't worry about it too much while you're here. Eating meals on campus, making your own food, and thrifty use of your gakuwari train pass can get you farther than you think (like my 3 weeks using only 50$ in January).

Remember for your flight to not sleep the night before and to take advantage of the free alcohol. The red wines will put you to sleep in no time, and next thing you know you'll be here in Japan...wishing you had slept more on the plane (especially on the 2 train ride to you guys' place!).

I managed to reschedule my students around your arrival too! So I'll be there to pick you up for sure. I'm glad all you guys are coming to Japan to play with me! And especially glad to have you coming.

Have fun saying bye to all your friends this weekend, take in the sights of Virginia while you can, because you won't realize how you'll miss them til you're here (in the rain).

Okay well I guess that is it, sorry for the double-post, I had to have Firsties. I hope you're blog gets more popular than mine (probably already is) since it is such great reading and has already been homepage'd for me.

Some dude named Dan

mia said...

Hi Jen!
Just wanted to say- you're packing started from a better point then mine did. My first day of "packing" consisted of dumping out my suitcase filled with my clothes from school :D
Good luck with pre-departure stuff and see you soon!

natalie said...

Ganbareeee with packing Jen! Apparently there will be no time for extra packing one Greg and I are there because we have to start working on our dance routine. Every minute of practice is important! We can work out the timing and design our outfits on the plane, but as soon as we hit DK House we've gotta book one of those multi-purpose rooms for rehearsal three times a day and get an agent. There's not a moment to lose!

teresa said...

hahaha. i LOVE how you 3 will be the DK dancers. ^_______^ too amazing.

ugh. i hate packing. i hope your packing is coming along much much MUCH more smoothly than mine. when are you heading to the airport tuesday? i have a feeling my mom and dad will want to make a dramatic show of dropping me off. *tear* i am so glad you and natalie and greg will be on the same plane. no idea. i'm already freaking out about missing my family, my life, my comfort zone.




teresa said...


i'm in cville at the moment. i will be spending my day cancelling my cable, buying sheets to cover my furniture, packing, and cleaning house. i need to drive back tonight and spend these next 4 days with my family.

my parents are sooooooo cute. they both called me last night to see when i was coming home, while i was dyeing my hair. they both simultaneously thought i perished because i didn't answer.... ^^

why will you and guu-kun be here? friends? forms?