Thursday, June 5, 2008

Japan Weather is Awful

I just checked the weather for Vienna, and it's nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit every day.

Whereas, here, I wear long sleeves and long pants most days, and carry an umbrella with me always. I turned my heater on tonight because I'm cold.

I miss bright happy sun and dry heat with cool breezes.


Daniel Andreano said...

Yea, you don't really understand rainy season until you get here. Its really tough how you never know what you have to wear on a given day either.

dobedo said...
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dobedo said...

You win some; you lose some.

Erik said...

100 degrees is not good weather.

I melted yesterday, and had to spend all morning today trying to put myself back together. There's one of those "don't go outside or you'll faint and die" advisories in effect.

Then again, I experienced nonstop rain and gray in Denmark for a couple months... so it's a tossup. Stay dry!

Unknown said...

It's never dry heat around here. I think you're forgetting how miserably humid it usually gets.

Ben said...

Jen Doooooooooo I saw on the 天気予報 this morning that it was going to be like 80s and sunny in Tokyo this morning, so I hope that you get a chance to enjoy it!