Sunday, May 11, 2008

Brr...What Happened to Global Warming??

It's really been this long since I last wrote? First of all, it's so cold here again, and it's May! It rains all the time too and it's not even rainy season yet! Well what is there to update...I've just...taken some tests and things. Had a pop quiz in Linguistics which was just awful, though on the plus side, it was open note. The content is just so difficult! I didn't do much with my no school days Monday and Tuesday, and as per my style, I was doing my homework Tuesday night. Hahaha. ... :/! Because they are more exciting...

The package of food, fruit, drink my old host family sent me! And I've hardly made a dent in it yet, but I'm so thankful for it!

Oh, on Friday, I went to a friend's house and we ate Tako-Yaki, the octopus dough things, and this Japanese girl Riho was doing the cooking here. It was delicious (the bite-sized ones are much better than the huge ones) and I ate a ton.

Daniel and I continued our stamp journey Saturday. It began at Ueno (where we left off last time) and we walked only a few stations because we spent a few hours at the National Science Museum located at Ueno (the one that we didn't go into last time but took pictures outside of.) So here are some pictures from that trip. I'll try to just choose some since I took a lot.

A tree stump and roots in a glass thing on the wall...

A skeleton model...made out of wood. These were popular or something.

Dolls are creepy. And what makes these creepier is that they move to bring you tea and then return to wherever it is they come from...To be more specific, I think they were used in restaurants/Japanese-style inn type places (I saw this in the Detective Conan anime series!) and they're on some sort of rail system thing and they'll move with the tea cup or something right to where the guest is, and then leave. They were really pretty and detailed and delicate-looking, but thank goodness they were in a glass thing or else I probably would've screamed. Dolls are creepy.

An acupuncture model doll thing. Also creepy, with bad posture and funny proportions.

Inside a showroom with technology things.

If man hadn't made so many advancements, we'd still be using these ginormous calculators!

This exhibit was really neat. So from what Daniel explained, it shows the evolution of all our world's organisms, starting from the primordial ooze, which is the flower white blobby thing in the back towards the right of my picture. You can go to these little stations and look up some organism and those lights on the floor light up tracing the path of evolution they took and you end up where that organism is in the display.

Evolution paths lit up on the ground...

Leading to walls of organisms on display.

I would not have known there were so many types of pinecones had we not stumbled across this display! Amazing!

An exhibit sign. A little blurry here, but it was fantastically thought-provoking. "What is Life?" Unfortunately, even after looking at these exhibits, I still have no idea...

A neat walkway area.

So this picture is pretty awful, but it's still worth a thousand words (though I'll cut it short...) This kid was riding the escalator in front of us and stared at Daniel and me the entire ride down, which is cool...I guess...Anyway, he entered the same exhibit floor as us and immediately was off like a good little ADD boy. At the end of the escalator ride though (it was quite a ride), Daniel pointed out that there were numbers written out in marker down his arm, and we pondered...could that really be a phone number? Yes, the number of digits and way they were written led us to believe it was a phone number. We then noticed how alone he was and how all-over the place he was...So we deduced that it was a phone number so in case he got lost or someone found him where he wasn't supposed to be, they could call this number and reach his parents. Could...did his parents really just drop him off at a museum for the day? Suppose so. So we decided that we REALLY needed a picture of him. So we began our stealthy stalking journey, which was difficult because he was QUICK! Anyway we followed him around for awhile and kept trying to angle for good pictures subtly, which was also difficult because we would end up not even looking at the displays and angling our cameras in odd positions so it looked like we were taking pictures of the floor or something. Well, he finally paused at this display and we kept circling around for a good view. Mine wasn't so good, but Daniel got a better one. We just were quite amused by the kid and this parenting technique. We were even tempted to call the number.

And that's where I'll end for tonight, because I should sleep.

...Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Daniel Andreano said...

I love the picture of that kid's arm everytime I see it. I'll have to give you the better quality one another time (actually you could just steal it from facebook)